
Services for garage doors

Living in Florida is awesome, but the irony of living in these beautiful and geographic areas is that while the environment delivers mild temperatures and a lot of sunshine with a peaceful atmosphere, nature sometimes can deliver the severe weather such as hurricanes and tropical storms. Homes in Florida are in need of protection from […]

Impact windows Florida

It ought to come back as no surprise that impact resistant windows are the best measure designed to shield your home from the weather, however they will conjointly facilitate protection from other hazards, such as home-invading thieves. Amongst the most common entry forms for home entry for burglars is through broken windows. Burglars generally break the glass of a window or door, permitting them to unlock the unit and enter your home. This methodology is simple and fast, giving them the opportunity break-in […]

Services for garage doors

For a number of tense days, hurricane Matthew had its sights on southwest Florida. The forecast had homeowners going into panic-mode wondering whether or not their home would be protected. As they scrambled to determine whether or not their windows were hurricane resistant or their shutters ready to take on Matthew. What are Impact Resistant Doors? Impact Resistant Doors are […]