
FB Doors Single Hung

Another way to protect your home from the damage caused by hurricane winds is by installing impact resistant windows and impact doors. Although these products look like regular windows and doors, they are special and offer much more protection. These systems are capable of withstanding the impact of large objects. With windows and doors of impact, […]

These Miami Impact Windows and doors are manufactured with the special technology that allows them to withstand the impact of strong winds and even flying debris thrown around by hurricanes. There are many individuals that have the misconception that Impact Doors in Miami are only for the areas that constantly suffer from hurricanes. However, there […]

Are you searching for the best impact windows in Miami? Do you want to install impact-resistant windows in your Miami home? You do not have to search again; FB Doors is the home of high-quality impact windows to guard your home and protect your family against the damages that the violent weather can cause. When […]

Is your community prepared to weather a storm? Usually, June 1st marks the beginning of the hurricane season, which runs until November. The National Weather Service reports that, of an average of 12 tropical storms that form over the Atlantic Ocean each year, six become hurricanes. In the Central Pacific, an average of three tropical […]